Champion Kasaque Miracle
Windhund Festival, Donaueschingen 2015
Handled by Pirkko Kekalainen
Photos by Elisa Kohtamaki

Kasaque Raissa at Windhund Festival at Donauschingen
Handled by Pirkko Kekalainen
Photo by Karin Baghai-Zimmerman

Kasaque Salaama (10 Months of age) at Windhund Festival Donaueschngen
all dogs handled by Pirkko Kekalainen
Photo thanks to Elisa Kohtamaki

Roza and Smudge waiting their turn at SCCS
(photo Jenny Macro)

Je Suis Charlie

Kasaque R Frankel day dreaming at Midland Counties

Luzhana at nearly age 11

The Kasaque air traffic controller Roza

Photo: P. Kekalainen |
Roza, not just another pretty face

Roza winning PGB at Bournemouth Championship Show
thanks to judge Mrs Liz Cartledge.
Photo by Kathy Webb

Kasaque Obidiah wins his 2nd CC at Three Counties Champ Show
Thanks to breed specialist Carol Seymour

The gorgeous Odetta at SCCS

Paloma at Southern Counties Champ Show

Sydney Pickering hiding in a field of rape

A lovely day out at Bath Championship Show
No CCs but a fun day out visiting with friends

Frankel winning Puppy Dog, Best Puppy Dog and Reserve Best Puppy at SGHC Open Show 2013

Seffie with her catch ready for the pot
in her beautiful Scottish home. Why would
any want to be any other place?

Kasaque Paloma
Rosa and Hamad at BBQ and Arabian Show

Obdiah at SCCS with Heidi winning 2nd in Open Dog
(Photos by Annette Buckley)

Introducing Roza ( Raissa)
Int Ch Rostam Al Badadia and Ch Kasaque Miracle

Flying Oliver

Our Holiday in beautiful Scotland

Odetta, Jarvah and Neeka in morning mist. |

Photo: P. Kekalainen |
Best Puppy in Show at SGHC Championship Show
Kasaque Phelene ( her first show) owned by Kasaque,
presented by Charlotte Steel. Thanks to judges David Perkins (breed) and BIS judge
Paul Shimmin.

Congratulations to Neeka on gaining her English title
with thanks to judge Nicola Quadling

Dog World top Saluki 2011/half year
We proudly announce that Kasaque has won the following Saluki or Gazelle Hound Club points
trophies for 2011:
The Hama of Ruritania Trophy for top Bitch: thanks to Ch Kasaque Miracle
The Ch kumasi KommondanTrophy for Top winning Smooth Saluki:
1st Kasaque Odetta, 2nd Kasaque Orlando
3rd Ch Caspians L'aliq avec Kasaque
The Saluq Trophy for Brood Bitch whose direct progeny won the most points in all classes
at Championship Show
Ch Caspians L'aliq avec Kasaque
A great day at 3 Counties
Ch Kasaque Miracle BCC, BOB & Group 4
Kasaque Newark (owned by Caroline & Ray Pickering)
DCC. Handled by Adele Walton-Haddon
Thanks to judge Marion Finney

Rafe with Suzie at Crufts 2011

Jenny, Steve & Laura Macro's Ola ( red) and Pilgrim (grey)
mouthing off

Paignton Championship Show
Phyllida Cooke's Kasaque Lydia RCC
Kasaque Odetta Best Puppy
judge Mary Parker

Kasaque Nacomis (Jada)
Wins Reserve Best in Show Smooth at
Finnish Saluki Club Show 2010

Oliver at 6 months


Laura & Ola

Salukis truly enjoying the worst weather the UK has seen for 20 years.
They are loving every moment of the snow and artic like conditions

Snoopy at Saluki of the Year Show, Germany

True beauty never fades
Kasaque Jarvah wins RBIS at Saluki Club Open Show
and Best Veteran in Show
Kasaque Nappanu is now a
German Junior Champion.
Congratulations to owners
Gunter and Jutta Kolewe,
New Champion Caspians
L'aliq avec Kasaque!!!!
First new smooth champion
in the UK for 11 years.
Horray Lalique we knew you
could do it!! Thanks to
judges Kevin Carter,
Norman Ziman and
Liz Stephen.
Its official Miracle is Top Saluki Puppy for 2008
Her father Ch Nefisa Samr is Top Sire
Michael and dogs out for a winter's stroll Christchurch 2008

Chris (Australia) with Sana and Vaga on a camping weekend.

Enjoying the bluebell
with Sana and Neka